When stone speaks
There were several pieces of his in the gallery, all beautiful, all complex. The gallery owner, unfortunately, felt he had to keep up a constant patter explaining the symbolism expressed in the carvings, how it related to Iroquois religious belief, the mythologies behind it, et cetera. Neither my brother nor I could care less at that moment. We were just enthralled by the depth of feeling imbued in the stone through this man’s exemplary craft. I have included his website as a link on this page, since I feel more people should have the opportunity to view his work.
I understand that religious beliefs have played an enormous rôle in the production of art over the ages; early European painting was all about Christianity. At some point I would like to learn more about Iroquois beliefs, and I must admit that Joseph Jacobs’ art has been the inspiration. However, even without understanding what inspired him, I can still appreciate the finished product as a work of exceptional talent and a thing of beauty.
Hi, just thought I'd stop by and check out your new blog. Very nice! You are going to be quite busy.
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