Cassandra’s Tears

Tears of joy, tears of pain, we are reflected in the salt-water pools we create. So let us build a fleet of paper boats and sail them on our ocean of indecision, laughing at the wind-whipped white-crested waves that would wash over us, drowning us in our own despair, yet somehow never vanquishing us in the end.

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Location: Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

When stone speaks

While cleaning up my desk I found a brochure from an art gallery specializing in works by Native Canadian artists advertising a show by Joseph Jacobs, an Iroquois sculptor. My brother and I were at this gallery, just looking, and just by chance, when we saw this man’s sculptures. To say we were blown away would be an understatement. We were amazed. This artist’s ability to give an inaminate material life was just short of miraculous.

There were several pieces of his in the gallery, all beautiful, all complex. The gallery owner, unfortunately, felt he had to keep up a constant patter explaining the symbolism expressed in the carvings, how it related to Iroquois religious belief, the mythologies behind it, et cetera. Neither my brother nor I could care less at that moment. We were just enthralled by the depth of feeling imbued in the stone through this man’s exemplary craft. I have included his website as a link on this page, since I feel more people should have the opportunity to view his work.

I understand that religious beliefs have played an enormous rôle in the production of art over the ages; early European painting was all about Christianity. At some point I would like to learn more about Iroquois beliefs, and I must admit that Joseph Jacobs’ art has been the inspiration. However, even without understanding what inspired him, I can still appreciate the finished product as a work of exceptional talent and a thing of beauty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, just thought I'd stop by and check out your new blog. Very nice! You are going to be quite busy.

6/16/2004 11:57 AM  

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