Cassandra’s Tears

Tears of joy, tears of pain, we are reflected in the salt-water pools we create. So let us build a fleet of paper boats and sail them on our ocean of indecision, laughing at the wind-whipped white-crested waves that would wash over us, drowning us in our own despair, yet somehow never vanquishing us in the end.

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Location: Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada

Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Pope: A mini-saga

“An unflinching advocate of human and civil rights, as well as the controversial promoter of both the conservative values of the Catholic church and its need to adapt and reach out to the contemporary world, John Paul II both inspired and exasperated--but left few indifferent.”

As head of church and head of state, the Pope is in charge of two municipalities: the sacred and the profane. Does he concern himself with the levying of taxes, the improvement of roads and waste management? Methinks they are probably as indifferent to him as he is to them.


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